Camp Half-Blood RP (Open!)
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You tread through the forest,weary and tired of being chased by monsters.You hear the distant singing and laughing of nymphs and satyrs,and a new hope lights up inside you.You stumble into a clearing and gasp;there is a ring of cabins with half-bloods running about and attending their business.You have finally reached Camp Half Blood.

1.This RP is meant for all levels; you do not have to make super long posts.However,do feel free to.
2.Please be reasonable with how many characters you make.A few is okay,but please do not make ten or fifteen.
3.Please limit Big Three children.Remember,it is rare when a god breaks the pact.
4.Also limit Athena campers.

There has been unrest lately. There are rumors of another camp just like Camp Half-Blood...only for Romans! Chiron is debating sending a few campers on a quest to find it,but nothing is sure yet. We will have to wait and see...

Current Campers:

Name:Alexander Michaels
Godly Parent:Doesn't know yet
Description:Average height,golden blond hair,blue eyes
Personality:Mostly nice,but you do not want to get on his bad side
History:Tormented by monsters since infancy,came to camp rather recently
Crush:None yet
Most disliked:Ares and Aphrodite
Other:His wagon of choice is his trusty bow and quiver full of poison arrows.He has a pet crow named Skotelnos (darkness)

Name: Maxine or Max
Gender: female
Age: 16
Godly Parent: Athena
Description: She has platinum blonde hair and amber eyes. Head Camper?
Personality: She can be very strict but is shy. She is smart but keeps to herself or fellow campers.
History: Don't Ask
Crush: no one
Most disliked: Aphrodite and Apollo

Name: Emma
Gender: female
Age: 13
Godly Parent: Unknown
Description: She has a square-ish tan face and long golden blonde hair
Personality: She is determined and open. She tries to get what she wants and doesn't settle for less.
History: Unknown
Crush: never
Most disliked: Aes, Apollo and Hera
Other: Hunter of Artemis?

Name: Nate
Gender: male
Age: 12
Godly Parent: Unclaimed
Description: He has slightly curly dirty blonde hair and green eyes.
Personality: He is athletic and fun to be around, though competitive and a show-off.
History: All he knows is that monsters are after him.
Crush: no one
Most disliked: Aphrodite, Artemis,

Name:Avery Schaeler
Godly Parent:Ares
Description:Tall,jet black hair,cold blue eyes
Personality:Sinister,bully,hates most people
History:He was nearly killed by monsters several times,and his mom was.He fled to camp at the age of nine and used to be nice,but now is always angry
Crush:None,used to like a girl that died (Unless you want serious brain damage,don't ask about her)
Most disliked:Everyone,pretty much.
Other:Has an indestructible sword called Backslash,no one has ever beaten him in a sword fight,and Chiron worries about him because he has too much strength to go with his evil motives


Godly Parent:
Most disliked:

03-14-2012 at 2:29 PM
Avery returned to his cabin. He was head,and showed it.

03-13-2012 at 6:09 PM
Nate scowled. He hoped he wasn't with this cruel kid ever. He was just a huge sore loser, he though nastily.<br /> <br /> Max woke up and ate some ambrosia for her wound.<br /> <br /> Emma sat with her Hunters "we may have to take refuge at Camp Half Blood for a while" one girl said. Emma wrinkled her nose. She hated that place.

03-12-2012 at 6:06 PM
Avery sneered at Nate, his blood red eyes turning back to their usual cold blue.

03-12-2012 at 5:43 PM
Max was still unconscious when she was lifted to the infirmary, her arm now wrapped in a gauze.<br /> <br /> Nate watched Avery with narrowed eyes. He hated the kid now for being a sore loser.

03-12-2012 at 5:30 PM
"Oops," Avery smirked,stalking away and twirling his sword as the medics came to take Max to the infirmary.

03-12-2012 at 5:26 PM
Max's eyes widened in fear as the sword went into her arm. She screamed loudly, falling down unconscious, her eyes wet with tears and blood gushing out her arm.

03-12-2012 at 5:18 PM
Breathing heavily,it seemed as though Avery's eyes were turning red. He walked back,as in submission,holding his gut,his grip on the sword slackening. Then,without warning,he lunged again,this time not caring if he injured her,so long as he won.

03-12-2012 at 4:53 PM
Max lost her grip with a squeal and her sword clanged to her feet. She feigned a move to grab it but shifted to his side, kicking him in the gut and rolling on the floor to retrieve her sword again with a smirk.

03-10-2012 at 9:57 AM
Avery barely dodged the kick,and swung at Max's sword again.

03-10-2012 at 9:51 AM
Max tried her best to weaken Avery and did a high kick in hope of hitting his hands and disarming him.

03-9-2012 at 8:23 PM
This time, Avery expected the leg kicking,and nimbly dodged her kicks. He noticed Max growing tired and decided to put his all into one blow that would hopefully disarm her,ending the fight.

03-9-2012 at 7:51 PM
Max was beginning to find it harder to keep up, sloppily blocking his sword. She ducked under and tried kicking at his legs again, aiming her sword up at hin at the same time.

03-9-2012 at 7:42 PM
Avery snarled and lunged,fighting fiercer than ever,his sword slashing madly.

03-9-2012 at 6:48 PM
Max smiled as she sidestepped, the sword barely skimming her wrist and she parried for his side and kicked his shin "Can't take it, pretty boy?" she taunted.

03-9-2012 at 6:35 PM
Avery ducked and stabbed a bit desperately. He realized Max was good.

03-9-2012 at 6:15 PM
Max ducked under his sword and tried to swing her foot and trip him, knowing he could easily jump over, She smiled knowing as she aimed her sword.<br /> <br /> Emma sat down in the shade of the trees with the rest of the Hunters of Artemis. She noticed how close they were to Camp Half-Blood. She wrinkled her nose, hoping they didn't have to go there.

03-9-2012 at 2:22 PM
Avery easily blocked the blow. His swordsmanship was alarmingly quick - his sword would be to one side one second,and on the other side in another.He aimed a blow at Max's neck,not intending to hurt her,but to intimidate her.

03-8-2012 at 8:59 PM
Max picked up her sword and braced herself for his first hit "Ladies first" she said and aimed a faux blow to his side before swooping her sword to aim for his stomach.

03-8-2012 at 8:50 PM
He drew his sword. "Try me." He smirked yet again.

03-8-2012 at 8:25 PM
Max crossed her arms as her friend huffed and stepped back, glaring at Avery as she moved to her cabin. Max glared at Avery "what was that for?" she spat.


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